Thursday, January 27, 2011

Resolve to set more goals!

I've never been a big New Year's Resolution person.  If you want to change something, change it now!  However, I am definitely goal-oriented.  But is there really a big difference between setting resolutions for the new year, and setting goals?  I had to look up resolution to feel confident in answering this. And found that it has many meanings, of course, but to sum up: a resolve or determination; the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc; the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose. So more of a course of action, a process, whereas a goal is the end-point, what you're working towards.

Why set goals?  A goal is defined as: the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end. Setting goals allows you to state what you want, where you want to be -- to focus. It gives you confidence when you accomplish one, it provides you with direction, it allows you to prioritize, and it helps you accomplish more. 

Resolutions can be great, but oftentimes they lose their luster and fall flat 3-5 weeks into the year.  Suddenly the hype is gone, the sales are over, the gyms have ceased their "new year, new you!" offers, and life returns to normal.  The resolution to "work out more" turns into "well maybe I'll work out more when I have the time."  And they generally only happen once a year: January 1st.  I don't hear of many "Independence Day Resolutions." But goals don't go away, the gimmick isn't over until the goal is accomplished.  Goals are concrete. 

So instead of resolutions, I set goals.  As I created my list of goals for 2011, it was a little daunting.  Now I may be what some people call a little bit of an "overachiever," so there's also something to be said about setting a reasonable amount of realistic goals.  And I'm sharing some of mine because if I share them, I'm more likely to accomplish them.  Because now you know about them, and you can hold me accountable.  And they're in writing, and I can't take them back.  So here goes nothing... 

1. Run marathon.  And the best part of my #1 goal?!  It's DONE.  I sludged through 26.2 miles on 1/16/11. Finished. Checked off.  Celebrated. 
And boy am I paying for it... but I'll save that for another day...

2. Master's degree.  Eek.  I am supposed to graduate on May 21st, so long as I complete my thesis this semester.  I say "supposed to" because I'm struggling to focus on my thesis, to put words down onto paper, and to crank this thing out.  And no, I don't know how many pages it's supposed to be.  Because that would make it 10 times easier. 

3. Learn how to brew beer.  Oh yeah, and some goals should be fun!  I can't wait to tackle this one.  And by tackle I mean pour my finished product and DRINK it!  I just have to get through goal #2 first... (aka prioritizing...). 

4. Moderation.  This is not a coincidence that this one lands right after learning how to brew beer.  I sure love a mean IPA, a crisp Pale Ale, a chocolatey velvet stout, an eye-watering ESB... ok you get the point, I love beer.  But I sure don't love the mean, crisp, velvety, eye-stabbing headache that comes the morning after one too many.  I usually don't drink during the week, and sometimes feel the need to make up for this come Friday night.  Clearly this is not the best idea. I can say this right now and know it to be true.  But Friday at 11pm after 3 beers, my alter ego (let's call her moron) convinces myself that it is a silly, absurd, irrational idea and that I will feel just fine after 3 more.  Cue the next morning, rather the next evening, when I'm peeling myself out of bed at 4pm.  Of course this has only happened to me once in my life...   ;-)

5. Journal or blog once a week.  Well, sometimes you don't quite meet your goal right away. This is my second blog this month... meaning I haven't quite met my quota.  I'm still trying to get back in the hang of blogging.  Actually, who am I kidding, I'm trying to get into the hang of blogging!  Luckily, this goal is part pleasure and part therapeutic. Meaning if I skip a blog one week, I won't be utterly disappointed in myself.  If I skip my Master's degree, I might be a little disappointed.  But with blogging there's another aspect -- topics.  I love to write, but sometimes don't know what to write about -- ideas anyone??

6. Create variety in fitness routine.  I think I have a slightly addictive personality.  Me like soccer.  Me play soccer 6 times a week for 4 years.  Me like yogurt.  Me eat yogurt every day for 10 years.  I find something I like, and I stick to it like gum on the bottom of my shoe (aka, very closely).  Not all addictions are bad, but variety can be good.  I should shake up my fitness routine because I tend to get into fitness ruts.  Running is great for the body and mind, but it's also good to mix it up.  Erica, step away from the treadmill.  See those free weights back there?  Go.  Use them.  NOW. 

7. Manage stress better.  Back to that overachieving thing... I like to be busy, to be involved, to be active.  But when I'm working full-time, attending grad school part-time at night, writing a thesis, playing soccer 6 days a week, being captain of one of those teams, running 3 days a week, president of the local adult soccer league, and trying to maintain a social life with friends and family... you could say I might get a little stressed out.  Perhaps impatient.  Maybe a tad grouchy.  A bit tired.  I know none of you have gone through this, so I'll just say that it's not always pleasant!  So my mini-goals are to balance school and work , not over-commit myself, and find ways each week to take care of myself.  Although for mini-goals, they are proving to be quite the challenge...

8.  Save money.  As my parents say, I go broke saving money on sales.  I am a firm believer that there is a mouse in my closet that chews holes in my pockets, and my money just pours right through them.  That same mouse must also steal my credit cards and hit up J. Crew, Gap, Banana Republic, the Nugget, etc... on a regular basis, and while I'm sound asleep.  It's weird, I tried calling my credit card companies to report the fraudulent charges by said mouse, but they refuse to believe me.  I would set traps for my identity thieving mouse, but I don't believe in cruelty to animals.  

9.  Attitude: more patience, understanding, love, kindness.  This probably ties into many of my previous goals, because they're all interrelated.  So I plan to show kindness when I meet this mouse, to be understanding of her spending problem, be patient with her impulse buys and incessant hole-chewing, and love her endlessly when she stops chewing holes and stealing credit cards.  Man, she must have quite the wardrobe.  It must be squeeky clean, quite the mouse blouse...
But seriously... more of the above, towards all.  And this is more of a life goal, rather than just for 2011.  Because that might be weird if at midnight on Dec 31 I suddenly turned into an impatient, judging, rude, you-know-what!

10. Work: better attitude.  I'm abbreviating this goal because I'm posting this on a website, online, for all to see.  So right now I'm smiling, and vowing to have a more positive attitude at work.  Or at least vowing to try

11. Become certified in personal training.  A prerequisite to this goal is becoming CPR/AED certified.  Lucky for me, I completed this pre-req on 1/25/11.  If you're my friend and reading this right now, you're probably thinking, "I didn't know you wanted to become a PT?"  Unless you're my one friend I've talked to about this (hi, T!).  So there it is - I've realized that I'm passionate about health and fitness, and about helping others, and I would love to be able to use this in a more structured way.  Now this doesn't mean I'm going to quit my day job and go work at 24-Hour as a personal trainer, but it's a stepping stone in the direction I think I'd like to head.  First I have to get through goal #2 (Master's) and make progress on goal #8 (save money) so that I can afford to become certified... oh the joy of pursuing your passions - nobody tells you it will cost you an arm and a leg when you're a kid! 

So that's my list of goals for 2011.  Some are rather large, some are on smaller scale; some are practical, some are fun.  Some are expensive, some are free.  

And to throw another shocker out there, this is my long-term career goal:
I would like to become a professional brewer, and work in a brewery, while also becoming certified in many aspects of personal training, health and fitness, and life coaching - particularly for special populations (older adults, obese people, people with disabilities).  So that I will spend my days brewing beer, sharing my passion for health and fitness, and teaching/helping others.  That will be the day...

1 comment:

  1. Bravo! I'm inspired to write down my goals. After a hefty year of achievement in 2010 and the total exhaustion that followed, I think my goals may be similar to your 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9... now, don't get too excited! I don't have an overzealous passion to brew beer but I am becoming more and more curious about the ingredients that we put into our bodies and beer may be another outlet of the fun that it happening in my kitchen these days!! By the way, I got a crock-pot -- dinner soon?
